A Paradigm Shift: Working with a Domestic Medical Product Brand

Back to the program 23 June 08:30 — 10:00 Conference hall №3

The Ministry of Industry and Trade expects the share of domestic medical equipment in Russia to be 50% by the middle of 2024, and 80% by 2030. This obviously requires a paradigm shift in the minds of both the patients and medical community. Confidence in the quality and safety of Russian-made products is not only a matter of manufacturer’s warranty, but also the proper image, marketing and promotion of domestic products. During the discussion, manufacturers, distributors, doctors and marketing experts will discuss the course of actions to develop the brand of Russian medical products in the traumatology and orthopedics industry.

Issues to be discussed:

1.     How can manufacturers and distributors change the attitudes of end consumers toward domestic products?

2.     How do government representatives view their participation in developing the image of Russian products?

3.     The medics’ voice: what confuses doctors and their patients about working with domestic products for traumatology needs?

4.     Plans to build trust in domestic manufacturing


Искровский Сергей Викторович
Искровский Сергей Викторович

Генеральный директор ООО «Ортоинвест», президент ООО «Альтермедика»

Плоткин Александр Вячеславович
Плоткин Александр Вячеславович

Заместитель председателя Исполнительного комитета Ассоциации травматологов-ортопедов России, директора АНО «Института прикладных медицинских исследований»