Medical Industry Development Drivers: Leading Regions in Russia
Russian regions are working actively to develop the industry and support the healthcare sector. Despite the difficulties with the supply of foreign components and new challenges for domestic manufacturers, the regions continue to show good results in the medical industry, including traumatology and orthopedics. At the case session, manufacturers from Russia’s leading regions will share their unique stories that allowed not only the individual regions but the entire country to meet the intense import substitution plans, and the government representatives will share the support measures for the medical industry in the regions and ways to maintain high production level.
Issues to be discussed:
1. Development of the medical industry in Russia’s leading regions: how do manufacturers cover the demand generated by medical institutions?
2. Interim results of medical industry development in the leading regions (first half of 2023): strengths and weaknesses
3. The state support system for enterprises: are existing measures sufficient?
4. The latest developments by major manufacturers in the leading regions of Russia in the field of traumatology and orthopedics
5. Prospects for the expansion of medical production in the leading regions

Minullina Taliya Ilgizovna
Head of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan