Standardization of Medical Devices
In today’s reality, the primary task in terms of standardization of medical devices is to create a regulatory and technical framework for import substitution. A number of aspects remain in need of improvement today, namely: manufacturers being forced to use outdated standards; shortage of laboratories accredited to perform technical testing of medical devices; and a shortage of testing equipment. In the open discussion session, government representatives, manufacturers and the medical community will discuss standards-related problems and solutions, as well as the situation with standardization samples, testing equipment and laboratories.
Issues to be discussed:
1. Urgent issues of national standardization
2. Issues of metrological support for testing of medical devices
3. Problems of accreditation of testing laboratories
4. Shortage of testing equipment

Leonidov Konstantin Vladimirovich
Заместитель директора ФГАУ «Институт Медицинских Материалов» Минпромторга России