Current Issues in the Development of Traumatology and Orthopedics in New Regions

Back to the program 23 June 10:15 — 11:45 Conference Hall №2

At the moment, the newly rejoined regions of Russia continue their work on restoring the traumatology and orthopedics industry. Medical institutions have only about 45% of the necessary specialist vacancies filled. Moreover, preparing and training new personnel presents certain difficulties – the lack of human and material resources for pedagogical work makes itself felt. In addition, medical equipment and products are in critical shortage – patients need external fixation devices, various joint arthroplasty, etc. Organizing uninterrupted provision of services to people with musculoskeletal injuries, staffing and logistical support of the regions requires commitment of both the authorities and the medical community, as well as manufacturers. At the round table, all stakeholders will discuss further action plans to stabilize the traumatology and orthopedics industry in the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson region.

Issues to be discussed:

1.   Ways to ensure the quality of medical services to patients in newly rejoined regions.

2.   Staffing issue: algorithm of training and distribution of profile specialists to medical institutions

3.   The issue of supplying the regions with the necessary medical materials, equipment and devices


Ovsyankin Anatoly Vasilievich
Ovsyankin Anatoly Vasilievich

 Nazarenko Anton Gerasimovich
Nazarenko Anton Gerasimovich

Главный внештатный специалист травматолог-ортопед Минздрава России, директор ФГБУ «НМИЦ ТО им. Н.Н. Приорова» Минздрава России