Robotic Systems for the Russian Traumatology and Orthopedics: Are They Needed in the Operating Room?

Back to the program 22 June 10:45 — 12:15 Conference Hall №2

Robotics in medicine is a new, promising area of science and technology development with a wide range of applications. Modern robots diagnose diseases, perform high-precision surgeries, radiation therapy, rehabilitate and recover patients, and significantly improve the quality of life for trauma patients. The use of medical robots worldwide is already growing at more than 10% annually. More than 20 thousand robot-assisted surgeries have been performed in Russia over the last five years. At least 50 companies in Russia are developing medical robots, creating solutions that are successfully implemented in the domestic market and abroad. The state is also paying close attention to the development of knowledge-intensive production. While doctors see a great promise in this area, they are also concerned about recovering the costs for their institutions in the challenging economic times. During this session, authorities, doctors and manufacturers will discuss the future of robotic systems in Russian traumatology and orthopedics.


1.     Scopes and problems of applying robotics in orthopedics and traumatology

2.     What is the relevant agencies’ view on the digital transformation of the industry?

3.     What economic and legal aspects of robotic surgery in traumatology and orthopedics should the government consider?

4.     Is the medical community ready for the digital transformation of surgery? What kind of developments does it need?

5.     Can manufacturers meet the demand for robotic systems?


Ovsyankin Anatoly Vasilievich
Ovsyankin Anatoly Vasilievich