Focus on the Domestic Market: Materials for Medical Devices and Small-Scale Production in 2023

Back to the program 22 June 09:00 — 10:30 Conference Hall №2

One of the most pressing issues for the medical industry today is substituting the materials originally supplied by foreign manufacturers with their domestic counterparts. The industry cannot afford losing access to any material. In this regard, the domestic manufacturers are facing new challenges, which they have to address in the shortest time possible. The future of the development of medical materials today seems to be in the expansion of small-scale, on-the-spot production. During the round table, Russian companies will share successful experiences of import substitution in sourcing materials and discuss the problems of using Russian-made devices and equipment, including in small-scale production.

Issues to be discussed:

1.              Current market situation with the materials used in the manufacture of medical devices 

2.              Sourcing materials from abroad and addressing safety issues

3.              Issues and successful cases of import substitution in sourcing materials

4.              Stimulating small-scale production of materials for the medical industry

5.              Scientific and technical capacity for small-scale production and its development to full-scale production


Генералов Андрей Вячеславович
Генералов Андрей Вячеславович

Директор ФГАУ «Институт медицинских материалов» Минпромторга России